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DICLAIMER: This project was not completed for an actual client. It is a sample to demonstrate our design capabilities. This may be based on an actual company, but any information should not be taken as an actual representation of that company.

A Space to Grow Your Business

Jason and Angela are an entrepreneurial couple who have run multiple businesses. They understand the work it takes to go from concept to product, from side-hustle to career.

They wanted a way to help other entrepreneurs, side-hustlers, and creatives take their passion to the next level with a bit of a safety net.

They started Space, a venue that can be leased by budding businesses that want to 'test drive' running a retail location. Space also helps it's clients with marketing their business or event, as well as providing insight from their wealth of entrepreneurial experience.

Space started from scratch and came to Drenos at the onset to build their brand from a solid foundation. We were able to create a brand look and feel that matched their values, and can grow with them as they help others.

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