Camryn Taylor Studios
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DICLAIMER: This project was not completed for an actual client. It is a sample to demonstrate our design capabilities. This may be based on an actual company, but any information should not be taken as an actual representation of that company.

New Logo, New Confidence

Camryn is a videographer specializing in marketing videos for products. She uses creative filming techniques to make products come to life. Her skills have gotten her a steady flow of video clients.

But while her skills continued to grow her clients’ budgets remained the same. She tried raising her rates, but she was pushing the limits of what her clientele could afford. She needed a strategy to break out of the cycle of referrals that was only going to bring her the same type of clients.

When she started out she got a logo made on, she liked it at first, but it was too complicated and expressive. Soon she stopped using it, because it was not doing what a logo should, identify the brand. The time was right to update her logo.

The new logo is a simple monogram. This identifies her brand while letting the videos remain the focus. With her new professional logo, Camryn can attract client with larger budgets.

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