Pocket Square Doctor
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DICLAIMER: This project was not completed for an actual client. It is a sample to demonstrate our design capabilities. This may be based on an actual company, but any information should not be taken as an actual representation of that company.

Luxury is in the Details

Pocket Square Doctor specializes in making custom pocket squares and pocket square holders. The owner came to us to shortly after starting the company. His dream was to create a luxury brand.

But there was a problem. The owner went to Fiverr for his logo design, and it had some issues. To make matters worse, the logo was already embossed it on over 10,000 pocket square holders.

The Pocket Square Doctor had already invested most of it's capital in these products. They could not afford to rebrand, they had to make it work now.

We made slight modifications to the logo. This made it balanced and clean without making it inconsistent from the logo that was already in use. We used this new logo on packaging and print materials and helped this company develop its brand.

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